Grace of God Bible Institute (GOGBI).

Grace of God Bible Institute is a covenant Institution that raises and educates sons of God and enlightens them on the inheritance of their father. The Lord gave me the word of grace for this institution from Acts 20:32 which says, And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. The institution is to build the people to enjoy their inheritance of glory in all spheres and phases of life. It is not just an avenue for them to receive information but to be imparted with the spirit of Grace which will go with them and help them to manifest the glory and become deliverers to their generation.

  • To train students on how to go about the business of God, their Father as joint heirs with Christ according to His will.
  • To equip the students with information and materials that will enhance their understanding on how to receive the grace, manifest and dispense the glory of their father as their business mission.
  • To impart the students with the spirit to be empowered for their assignment in the kingdom.

Our Courses:

To lay a solid foundation in the word of God for students and provoke their understanding of the fact that nothing works outside the word of God.

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To bring the people into an understanding of the forces behind the miraculous and instill the spirit of leadership and excellence in them wherever they find themselves according to the word of God.

To train people on general leadership with scriptural approach as a major focus.

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